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Compass Pointing North

Hello, I'm Shannon Morrison

- I have been there, perhaps where you may now stand, and worked through many challenges to reach my goals. I get it – dealing with feelings of being lost, confused, frustrated, and more times than not hopeless – as my goals and dreams seemed so far out of reach. I had what most would consider ideal when it came to work – a reliable and highly secure job in healthcare…. Yet I was still unhappy and downright angry about it. Why? Because it’s not what I wanted to do, and it's not what I felt I was here for….

My journey into self-development started in my early twenties; I fell into leadership roles more from my work ethic and attrition than from personal choice. It seemed I was simply the best choice for the companies I worked for. Not knowing what to do, I started the journey of self-education in leadership and personal development. I spent countless hours reading the current self-help and leadership books and applying what I learned. This journey was not a straight line – I had many trials and failed far more times than I was successful. A significant influence during this time was the works of Steven R. Covey and his book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” This was my first look into living a balanced life and working with a mission statement. During these first few years, I worked with the seven habits process to improve my life, and I also passionately worked with others to do the same.


Although I was quickly moving up in the company, I was unhappy about the position and wanted to do more with my life.  I realized I was passionate about creativity and took every opportunity to work in my creative space. Eventually, in my mid-thirties, I started a small graphic art business, hoping to leave the corporate world behind. I set up a small airbrush shop painting T-shirts at a local craft show on weekends. This successful venture lasted several years, but the struggle to earn enough income to leave the corporate world behind, coupled with working seven days a week for months, led me to shut down my business and question where I was headed.


At this point in my life, I took a step back and evaluated how I envisioned my journey to unfold. I returned to a serious study of personal development and started to look at coaching as a career choice. I completed my first Neuro-Linguistic Programming course and life coaching program and became a certified personal trainer. Yet, I learned that although I wanted to guide and help others discover their path in life, I was not ready. I still had my work to do, and my path felt unclear! I ended up leaving the corporate world behind and replaced it with healthcare, confident that I was at least helping people. This, too, was not what I had expected, and although I remained in healthcare for fifteen years, once again, I was not satisfied.


I continued to explore my life’s mission. I was passionate about finding what resonated and gave my life meaning. I underwent training for voice-over acting, built my own art business, learned meditation, studied philosophy, practiced Zen Buddhism, and learned to play multiple musical instruments. I tried a lot of different things before I finally found my way. I had taken the long path to my version of success but, in the process, developed a passion for helping others find their path and discover their purpose. I aim to shorten the time it takes others to find their path and discover a unique life’s purpose. This is the reason I chose to coach.


Everyone's path is unique, and if you are looking for a personal coach who can empathize with the struggle, I may be the one to help guide you forward.

certified-life-coach badge for life coach Shannon
Master Level Nero-Ligusitic Programing Badge For Life coach Shannon
Nero-Ligusitic Programing Badge for Life Coach Shannon
Certified Hypnoisis Practitioner Badge
ACE personal training certificate badge
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